Our Visit to
Santa Cruz Island

The Channel Islands

San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, Anacapa and Santa Barbara Islands are the five Islands closest to us and are part of the Channel Islands located off the coast of California. Santa Cruz is the largest of the islands.

Approaching Santa Cruz Island

Fathers Day weekend , Kip and I sailed to Santa Cruz Island to join a group of friends from our
Santa Cruzers

Prisoners Bay  Pier

We left Channel Islands harbor at 09:40 and arrived at Prisoners Bay at 13:15. We set two anchors, Wally and William helped us set the stern anchor. They

Potluck dinner on the beach

came aboard and William inflated our dinghy. Later we joined the rest of the group on shore for a great potluck dinner. We met a lot of new people and had a great time.

Adelia anchored

Adélia was the only boat left in the cove while Kip and I went for a long hike. Santa Cruz is a wonderful Island to hike on, it is covered with large oak trees and a large variety of vegetation. We enjoyed the view from the top of the hill.

Great hike

Strange plants

Beautiful wild flowers

This was our first time hiking on Santa Cruz, we enjoyed our hike and appreciate the people who take care of the Island trails.

See our Photo Gallery & Playful dolphins video


Small lizards run around